Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon

Not only is it December 31, New Year's Eve but we also have a Blue Moon. Despite some cloud cover, I got a couple of shots of interest. This first shot fits the title, as you can see the moon and the reflection actually looks more distinctive and even blue. In the bottom picture, while still getting a moon picture, the focus is on the trees. It feels more like a Halloween picture than New Year's in that "spooky" sense. The same moon on the same night only minutes apart, create two very different images.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bright colors!

Now this is one amazing cookie sandwich! I had no idea when I bit into it how bright pink the filling was, the edges are coated in candy sprinkles in purple, green, white and black but the neon pink is the standout. The combination of colors just struck me :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This safternoon, the rain turned to a "wintery mix" which then moved on to snow. It's snowing a nice, steady bit now, the flakes have been large and wet. As the snow started to collect on the ground and trees, I went out for a few more snow shots, mainly looking at the large flakes and how fast it was accumulating. I found that this tree here was collecting not only some snow and ice but quite a few branches were gathering drops of water as the wet flakes fell. With the white background from snow, I zoomed in and focused on the drop and noticed not only the clarity of the droplet of water but the great reflections. I took a couple of shots, this main one I got just before it fell.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dried Flowers

It is winter here, most flowers are not in bloom so this photo is timely in that it deals with dried flowers. I've focused my images lately on the outdoor weather and plants so it was time for a shift of perspective. I love flowers, not that I have a favorite but I do enjoy roses because they are so easy to dry and keep around. I have rose bushes in my garden and I keep the dried rose petals if not the entire rose off the bushes. These are just a few of the various dried roses I have dried. You can see how well they hold their shape and you can see each of the petals on the open buds.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ice colors

Most things the eyes can see, the camera can capture, at least if you are patient and work with your resources. Color prisms, rainbows, are tricky to capture to the depth that we see them live. One of the nice things about ice is that when the sun shines through it, there are beautiful flecks of color. That can be on the grass or on a tree branch, anywhere there's a light frosting. We've had a lot of that lately and I played around with getting the reflections of light off of snow and various plants and trees. The photo doesn't do justice to the morning beauty but the variety of trees and the layers of branches along with the sun lighting then up is as close as I could get to what I was going for. If you look closely, there are flecks of color, especially along the pine needles. If you haven't lately, take a peek outside at sunrise and enjoy the view.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


The snow is still here, but more visually interesting this morning was the ice on the plants. The trees and bushes glistened in the morning sun and if you looked closesly you could see a thin layer of icicles forming a coating or at least an edging of the leaves and branches, as you can see here. It was another beautiful day here and as the day wraps up, we still have snow on the ground and another cold night ahead. I look forward to seeing what beauty tomorrow morning will bring.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A winter wonderland

After yesterday's snow, this morning was the perfect time to go out for a hike. With the camera, of course! Right at sunrise, we headed out ready for action. It was slow going at first, treading over the ice but once we reached the actual trail, the walking got easier over snow. There were quite a few beautiful sights, the snow makes everything pretty. We decided we got just enough, not too little and not too much. In this photo, you can see the sun touching the tops of the trees and the snow covered lower bushes and the trail itself. It just felt so much like a postcard winter scene. Beautiful!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blizzard in Texas

Yes, you read that title right! We had an actual blizzard today. Fortunately the accumulations are only in the inches not feet but the snow has lasted all day. The flakes have varied from very small to large but the wind whipping around has been the most interesting with snow not only falling but also flying up and in circles. You can see some of the diagonal movememt in this photo, and I took some video that also shows the windy and snowy conditions we had all day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Streaming light

The sky these last few days have been visually interesting, at least for me. This morning was very overcst and as I was driving west, the sun started to peek through in first one spot and finally several. Thankfully, yet again, there was traffic enough for me to stop and get some pictures. This is why I carry a camera with me *nearly* all the time. I hope some of you got to see and appreciate some of the beautiful skies I have this week.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scrapbooking cats

My usually unsocial cat decided she really like scrapbooking today. Although, as you might notice, she wasn't as much interested in me as my box of stickers and papers. She did come close to "kissing" Rachel though ;)

Mostly she napped all day in the box...either curled up in a ball or stretched out to completely cover all my supplies!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Traffic...and trees

Although I love the spring, the new leaves appearing on the trees and all that lushness, I truly appreciate the look of trees in winter. Today as I was sitting in the long line of Christmas shopping traffic on Copper Canyon, these trees caught my eye. Especially against the blue sky with the wispy clouds. I may play with some of the photos I took and change them to black and white, the light and dark stand out so well already.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Moon shot

As I was leavnig the grocery store this evening, I looked up and saw the moon and a planet, sorry, can't remember which one that would be. The sky was so clear and the moon a crescent so I tried to get a shot with my "baby" camera. I was able to capture the moon with a bit of blur but not both the moon and the planet. I could have gotten the DSLR camera and the tripod and attempted a better shot, but this caught the moment well enough. I think it looks like the moon is smiling.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cookie Exchange

Today was my annual cookie exchange party. It's a great holiday get together with friends and family as well as a chance to try out different cookie recipes and also go home with an assortment, while only having to make one variety. There were about a dozen types of cookies today, this is just a sampling of the many types I have, including: two types of rice crispy treats, holly cookies, bourbon balls, no bake chocolate peanut butter cookies, cake balls and almond roccha.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Lights, camera, focus

I was playing around with lighting in a few shots today and I happened upon this. I glanced over at the Christmas tree and just thought the lights would look great out of focus. I took one shot with flash as well but as usual, I preferred the natural light. The orbs of multi colored lights against the dark outline of the tree came out great.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


One of my soccer players added a little something extra to her cast and I just loved it. The cast color with the "Cuties" tag is a nice touch. She is apparently quite accident prone as she has had several injuries but this is the first cast...this semester.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dancing Flames

The picture does not do this justice but there's a tube of gas, flame and music...the flames were dancing to the music and a single tone produced a perfect sine pattern in the flames. At this point, the pressure in the tube was such that the flames were only visible at one end of the tube. This was a presentation at a faculty meeting...the music, Christmas :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bradford Pear

Our Bradford Pear tree is always nice looking but of course fall colors are a nice touch. Our tree is a bit behind the others as it's just now turning, halfway through December. I love the colors of fall and the sky in bright blue with the sun lighting the top of the tree brings out the colors even more vividly.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Solid colors

I was making the bed with these red/maroon sheets and our little black and white kitty jumped right up and decided to "help" as she likes to do. I just liked the definition of color with her black and white against the solid background. This pose is so cat as she was rolling up to clean. What I liked specifically was that it catches her face and eyes without the usual cat eye glare and also there's none of the white out the flash usually does to her when I get too close. The angle and lighting worked out to get her looking like she does, not in the harsh light or washed out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The wonderful bamboo scarf

Messing with the cats is fun, and even entertainment for company. When the family was over, JJ was playing with Gus and a scarf and Ken entertained the kittens with the laser pointer. This picture was a moment of calm while he is modeling Erin's scarf. The cats were really enjoying the handmade bamboo scarf, each took turns curling up on it and Gus got to play with it.

Friday, December 11, 2009


I missed a day in posting because I didn't actually get a photo although I will describe one I wished I had gotten. Our temperatures have been below freezing but it's been dry, however a business let their sprinklers run yesterday morning and they hit just the bottom half of the trees along the road. There were beautiful icicles drooping from the bottom barren branches of a row of trees along the road. It stayed cold enough for the icicles to last the day and as I headed home, there was a guy out trying to clear some of the ice on the ground ;)
So today's photo is a tree without the icicles but I like these big old trees in the winter. The white winter sky against the leafless (or nearly leafless) trees are a great contast.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The sky this afternoon and evening were gorgeous, first with the blues and whites and then as the sun set, the oranges started to come out. I got this photo right as I was finishing up putting out the Christmas lights outdoors and obviously losing my sunlight for the task. I got up on the hood of the truck to be able to get the full view here. The clouds were moving at a pretty good pace and so from one picture to the next, the colors and locations of the clouds changed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Bird

The sky was very interesting on my way home from work today, I could see a front moving through. I wanted to get a shot of the sky from a big open space to emphasize the depth of the weather passing over. However...I got home and instead of heading back out to find that open space, I discovered several birds were playing in our trees. There were both male and female cardinals, as well as finches and then this guy who I caught sitting on an upper branch of the Cedar Elm.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Dog

Lest you all think I have only cats for children, I decided to get a picture of another one of my children with the Christmas tree. Rolf is usually not particularly difficult to photograph as he is pretty laid back but today he wasn't having it. So, this is not the grand photo I had hoped for, but it is a photo of one of my canine children rather than a feline front of the tree.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kitten Helper (part 2)

The rest of the tree decorating today was helped again by the kittens, of course! This time, Dottie grabs the beads and drug them into the other room. We played a bit of tug of war and they tried to tug them off the tree once I finally got them up. In the end, I did get all the beads and other decorations up...though it did take some time.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kitten helper

Today as I was trimming the tree, Sophie decided to help...again. She attacked the branches and laid down in the pile and rearranged the cut branches, among other fun. I finally picked up some branches and played along with her. I got this photo of her jumping up to grab a piece as we were playing. I actually got all the cats out to the same place at the same time for the decorating today. The next fun of course came when we pulled out the lights...

Friday, December 4, 2009


I followed a rainbow to work today. I first noticed one end just a couple miles from the house and watched it all the way. As I got within a couple of miles of work, I saw the other end as well. Neither were very large or clear but I attempted to get a few images. This one was best shows the colors, although some of the others I got are nice visually but the actual rainbow does not show up as well. This photo was taken at the corner of Dixon and FM 2499 in Flower Mound. The bad news is that there was no pot of gold or leprechaun at the end, I got to work and suddenly both sides of the rainbow were gone...need I say more?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Winter moonlight

This December has already given us some unusual weather, but mostly it has been quite cold. One of the things that is so nice about the winter weather is that the skies tend to be mainly clear with some nice wispy clouds. I saw the moon shining through a few clouds, creating a halo effect in the sky. Then as I stepped down a bit farther, I saw this view through the trees and loved it! I didn't have a tripod, but I was able to brace myself enough to get a decent photo despite having to shorten the exposure more than I would have liked.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It snowed this morning! So, the question is not what to photograph today but which one of many to post. I have quite a few photos which show the quantity of snow that was coming down.  There are others that give some perspective of how much started to collect on the ground and a few of our kittens in the snow, all taken at home. However on the way to work, I stopped to get several photos I felt were more unique or telling. This first photo shows the mix of trees in their fall colors laced with snow and I like the combination of fall and winter in one image.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


While this isn't the greatest photo, it is a good picture of my recent projects. I had gotten out of the habit of working on crochet, time and motivation were lacking, but I decided to make a couple small items for Christmas. That gives me a deadline and small items are fast, and portable and that keeps me going. These are a couple hot pads I finished up. I also started on some coasters in the same color scheme, those are super fast and I am flying along on those when time permits me to sit down with nothing else to work on.