Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kitten helper

Today as I was trimming the tree, Sophie decided to help...again. She attacked the branches and laid down in the pile and rearranged the cut branches, among other fun. I finally picked up some branches and played along with her. I got this photo of her jumping up to grab a piece as we were playing. I actually got all the cats out to the same place at the same time for the decorating today. The next fun of course came when we pulled out the lights...


  1. I wish I could get my pets to help me decorate!!! ;)

    Great pic, Anna!

    We'll have to go on a hike and get some photos and have some fun SOON! I am tired of being a HERMIT! :D



  2. I bet you could get some help...if you enticed those dogs a bit ;)

    You are on for a hike and a game and a night out and ...
