Thursday, March 18, 2010


We went to the Butterfly Exhibit at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens this afternoon. It was a perfect day for it, the sun was shining and the butterflies were very active. Once we got past the crowds of people, it was quite an enjoyable experience. There were beautiful butterflies of several varieties flying around in a tropical forest setting. I found myself wishing for a macro lens but otherwise, it was a great experience in photography. This photo is unique because I was actually able to get around in front and get the face and body as well as wings. Although butterfly wings are quite impressive and beautiful, I like the different perspective I captured in this photo.


  1. Anna!

    What a gorgeous photo! Both butterfly & flora! I wish I could have gone on that *expedition* with you all -- sounds like you had a wonderful time. And you reeled in some great photos. I saw some of the others you posted on FB!


    Great work, my friend!


  2. I had so much fun, you should definitely check it out sometime, you would love it!

  3. That is a beautiful picture of a butterfly. That would have been very enjoyable to take pictures and look at them up close. So glad you guys had a good time. Gayle, CA
