Saturday, September 11, 2010

Three Toed Box Turtle

Isn't this the coolest looking turtle? Rolf was kind enough to find this little guy for us. After all the rains, we had a nice muddy area where the water drains out of our yard and down to the creek. Rolf went over and found this fun little play thing and picked it up in his mouth to play with his new little "ball" toy. We shooed him away and found this cool little turtle tucked up in his snap close shell. Eventually he peeked his head out and then after deciding it was safe, he made a "run" for it. We helped him into the garden area and let him continue his journey.


  1. Either your quick behind the lens or he's the only un-shy turtle out there. I've yet to photograph any turtles outside their shell!

  2. He was quite shy, I was very patient :)
